Leap into action: Successful marketing strategies for 2024’s Leap Year

Leap years only come round once every four years. So it’s a great chance to work it into your marketing strategy and capture your audience’s attention.


How to use leap years to your advantage

1) Novelty factor

Capitalise on the novelty of a leap year. You can build anticipation leading up to the leap day on 29th February, with countdown campaigns.

You could tease your followers that something exciting is coming and will be revealed on this year’s leap day. Visual elements like countdown clocks work really well to grab attention and engage your audience.


2) Promotional events

Host special events on the leap day. Whether it’s an in-store event, online webinar, or social media live stream.

Create an experience that customers will associate with the uniqueness of leap year and want to get involved with.

Free photo diverse business people in a dinner party

3) Create limited-time offers

Leap years are a great chance to create a sense of urgency by introducing limited-time offers, discounts or promotions that are only valid on this year’s leap day.

Encourage your audience to take advantage of these exclusive deals, as if they miss it, they won’t come around for another four years!


4) Introduce limited edition products or services

A great way to get attention is to introduce limited edition products or services exclusively for the leap year.

It could be an exciting twist on an existing product, a special menu item, or a one-time service package. Rare and exclusive offerings always go down well.


5) Get noticed on social media

Use the leap year theme to engage with your audience on social media. Encourage them to share how they plan to make the most of their extra day and create a branded hashtag for the leap year.

You can even run polls related to leap year activities and create shareable content that generates buzz around your brand. This can help generate user-generated content and increase your brand’s visibility.

Free photo elevated view of woman using cellphone with social media notifications on screen

6) Create leap year themed content 

Develop leap year themed content for your blog, website or newsletters. This could include articles, infographics or videos that leap out to you, again centering this around exclusive leap year deals, product launches and events will quickly get people’s interest.


7) Personalised email campaigns

Design creative and attention-grabbing email campaigns centred around the leap year theme.

Incorporate leap year visuals, and personalise your messages, so it is clear this is a unique opportunity they wouldn’t want to miss.


8) Involve your employees

Get your team involved in the leap year marketing excitement. Encourage employees to share their plans for the extra day on social media, and showcase behind-the-scenes glimpses of how your company is preparing for the leap year festivities to add a personal touch.

Free photo close up on young business team working

9) Collaborations

Explore collaborations with other businesses or influencers to amplify your marketing efforts. Joint campaigns can bring in a broader audience and create a buzz around your brand during the leap year.

Through clever marketing capitalising on this year’s leap year, you can build a sense of excitement and exclusivity that will set you apart from the competition.


For a free virtual marketing ideas session with marketing experts, call us on 01962 600 147 or email info@tlc-business.co.uk

The new era of Sustainability Marketing

Sustainability is making big waves in all industries and we have to make sure it extends into your marketing too.

Don’t forget to shout about your sustainable successes and the impact you are making!


Shout about your efforts

By highlighting the positive impacts your business is making, not only informs your customers, but strengthens your brand image.

We find transparent and effective communication builds credibility and will help to attract the growing number of eco-conscious consumers.


Making an impact

To stay relevant, it’s vital to understand the initiatives that are currently making an impact. Whether your efforts are big or small, sharing your current efforts, and your sustainable targets for the future, will help you stand out.

Sustainable areas that are currently turning heads are:

Company-wide initiatives:

  • Investing in renewable energy
  • Using eco-friendly packaging: embracing recyclable, reusable, biodegradable and compostable packaging
  • Cutting out single-use plastics
  • Improving supply chain: Carefully selecting local suppliers, using fewer shipments and smaller vehicles to reduce the carbon footprint
  • Ranging energy-efficient products
  • Driving innovation in sustainability
  • Adopting the latest sustainable features
  • Reducing waste

Internal improvements:

  • Switching to hybrid or electric company cars
  • Recycling, reusing and reducing waste
  • Investing in sustainable training to raise awareness for a greener future
  • Opting for energy-efficient equipment
  • Supporting local environmental initiatives or charities

Free photo group of businesspeople making plans on energy saving at workplace

Promoting sustainability

Digital transition

Sharing your content online will massively help to reduce your paper consumption and make sure you are taking a more eco-friendly approach.


Share success on socials

Use social media platforms to share your sustainability achievements and accreditations with a wider audience.


Personalised campaigns

Traditional marketing methods, such as mass mailings, can generate large quantities of printed materials that may go unread or be discarded. Personalised campaigns will not only be more engaging, but reduce waste.

Free photo woman picking up the mail

Avoid greenwashing

Greenwashing is a term that was coined as early as the 1980’s – meaning to exaggerate your commitment to sustainability.

Find the right balance in your messaging, it’s a good idea to focus on genuine impactful initiatives.


Collaborate for wider impact

Collaborate with influencers and charities to help spread the message of sustainability to a wider audience.


Reusable promo material

For printed promo material, like banners, it’s best to make sure it’s reusable. Remember to meticulously proofread before going to print, getting a fresh pair of eyes to look at it will help to avoid any costly mistakes and unnecessary waste.

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Celebrate your successes

No matter how big or small your sustainability successes are, celebrate them. Let your customers know about the positive impacts you’re making and future-proof your business.


For a free virtual marketing ideas session with marketing experts, call us on 01962 600 147 or email info@tlc-business.co.uk