Why blogs still matter

With so much content out there demanding our attention, it’s easy to wonder whether creating blogs is worth the effort, or if it’s a thing that should be confined to the past. But blogs are way more powerful than you may realise!

Let’s dive into why blogs are still relevant and essential to include in your marketing plans:

Drives web traffic

Regularly featuring new blogs on your website is a great way to attract attention and drive more visitors to your site, boosting your online presence.

Improves search rankings with SEO

Blogs are perfect for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). By including keywords and keyphrases (words that your audience will be searching for), and long-tail keywords (longer phrases that target specific queries), you can make your website rank higher in search results. Basically, the more valuable content you offer, the higher you will climb in the search results. 

Establishes expertise

Blogs give you the creative platform to share the latest innovations, information and ground-breaking research. This helps to establish yourself as a thought leader and industry authority that customers can trust.

Provides content for sharing 

Creating relevant and engaging blogs gives you the opportunity to share this content on social media and use snippets in newsletters, to attract a global audience.

Attracts potential customers & staff

Sharing blogs will mean you can attract like-minded individuals who share the same passion, potentially turning them into customers. This also works for attracting employees; by sharing content of your latest initiatives or team-building events, that makes your company stand out as a great place to work.

Encourages action

Blogs give you the opportunity to encourage your readers to take action, whether that’s signing up to your newsletter, or investing in your latest product. 

Builds communities 

Writing and sharing blogs will expose your brand to new audiences, helping you connect with a wider audience and build followers. This can often lead to collaboration and potential revenue opportunities.

No limitations 

Unlike social media platforms like X (formerly Twitter), where you are restricted by character limits, blog writing allows you to share thoughtful pieces and in-depth articles that will engage with your audience and make your business stand out from the competition.

Next steps

Businesses can often be put off including blogs in their marketing plans, as they don’t feel they have the skills, or time to invest in them. That’s where we come in. Our experienced team can put together a content plan full of engaging content ideas and create the blogs for you!

For a free virtual marketing ideas session with marketing experts, call us on 01962 600 147 or email info@tlc-business.co.uk

Building a Strong Brand Identity: Tips and Tricks

In today’s crowded marketplace, a strong brand identity is more important than ever. It’s what sets you apart from the competition and creates a lasting impression on your target audience. But how do you go about building a brand identity that’s both memorable and meaningful?

Here are some tips and tricks to get you started:

  1. Know Yourself, Know Your Audience
  • Self-Discovery: Before diving in, take a step back and define your brand’s core values, mission, and what makes you unique. What problems are you solving? What story do you want to tell?
  • Target Audience: Who are you trying to reach? Understanding your ideal customer’s demographics, needs, and aspirations is crucial for crafting a message that resonates.
  1. Craft Your Brand Personality

Think of your brand as a person. What kind of personality would it have? Friendly and approachable? Trustworthy and reliable? Bold and innovative? Infuse your brand voice and communication style with this personality to create a connection with your audience.

  1. Design a Cohesive Look and Feel
  • Visual Identity: Develop a logo, colour palette, and typography that are consistent and visually appealing. These elements should all reflect your brand personality and resonate with your target audience.
  • Consistency is Key: Ensure consistency across all your platforms, from your website and social media to your packaging and marketing materials. This creates a sense of trust and familiarity.
  1. Embrace the Power of Storytelling

People connect with stories. Share your brand story, highlighting your mission, values, and the inspiration behind your brand. This helps build trust and emotional connections with your audience.

  1. Be Present and Engaged

These days, building a brand goes beyond traditional marketing. Actively engage with your audience on social media, respond to comments and messages, and participate in relevant online communities.

Bonus Tips:

  • Employee Support: Empower your employees to become brand ambassadors. When your team genuinely believes in your brand, it shows!
  • Stay Flexible: The market is constantly evolving. Be willing to adapt your brand identity over time to stay relevant and competitive.
  • Monitor and Analyse: Track your brand mentions and sentiment online. This feedback helps you understand how your brand is perceived and allows you to make adjustments as needed.

Building a strong brand identity is an ongoing process, but with these tips and tricks, you can create a brand that stands out, resonates with your audience, and helps you achieve your business goals. Don’t forget, if you get stuck, our expert team is always here to help!

For a free virtual marketing ideas session with marketing experts, call us on 01962 600 147 or email info@tlc-business.co.uk

5 Marketing Mistakes You’re Probably Making (And How to Fix Them)

Marketing is the lifeblood of any business. It’s how you connect with customers, build your brand, and ultimately drive sales. However, it’s easy to fall into common traps. Here are five marketing mistakes you might be making and how to fix them.

Mistake #1: Not Knowing Your Audience

  • The Mistake: One of the biggest mistakes in marketing is not having a clear understanding of your target audience. Without this crucial knowledge, your campaigns can fall flat and fail to engage or resonate with potential customers.
  • Fix It: Do your homework! Get to know your audience through market research. Create detailed buyer personas that include demographic info, interests, pain points, and buying behaviour. Use tools like Google Analytics, social media insights, and surveys to gather data. Tailor your marketing messages and strategies to fit the needs and preferences of your target audience.

Mistake #2: Inconsistency Across Channels

  • The Mistake: Your brand voice and message vary wildly across social media, email marketing, and your website. This creates confusion for your audience.
  • Fix It: Develop a brand style guide. This document ensures consistent use of logos, fonts, colours, and voice across all marketing materials. Consistency in your branding helps build recognition and trust with your audience. Train your team to follow the style guide and regularly review your content to keep a cohesive brand image.

Mistake #3: Focusing Solely on Sales

  • The Mistake: Being too pushy with sales in your marketing efforts. Constantly pushing products and services can turn off your audience and hurt your brand’s reputation.
  • Fix It: Provide value through your marketing. Create content that educates, entertains, or solves problems for your audience. Use storytelling to build an emotional connection with your customers. Engage with your audience on social media by responding to comments and messages, and join in on conversations relevant to your industry. By building relationships and trust, you’ll create loyal customers who are more likely to buy from you.

Mistake #4: Focusing on Features, Not Benefits

  • The Mistake: You highlight product features without explaining how they solve customer problems. Your audience may not understand the value of your products or services.
  • Fix It: Lead with the “why.” Explain how your product or service improves your customer’s life. Focus on the benefits they’ll experience by using your offering.

Mistake #5: Overlooking Mobile Optimisation

  • The Mistake: Forgetting about mobile users by not optimising your website and content for mobile devices. With more and more people using smartphones, this can mean missing out on a lot of potential customers.
  • Fix It: Mobile-friendly website. Make sure your website is mobile-friendly with responsive design. Test your site on various devices to ensure it loads quickly and functions properly. Optimise your content for mobile by using shorter paragraphs, larger fonts, and easily clickable buttons. Also, consider mobile-specific marketing strategies like SMS campaigns and mobile ads to reach your audience wherever they are.

Don’t worry, you’re not alone, it’s easy to make marketing mistakes without all the know-how. That’s why, many businesses choose to outsource their marketing, rather than try to tackle it on their own.

For a free virtual marketing ideas session with marketing experts, call us on 01962 600 147 or email info@tlc-business.co.uk

Myth Busting: Debunking Common Marketing Misconceptions

Many people have misconceptions about marketing, so we’re here to debunk some of the most common myths:

1) Myth: Marketing is only for large businesses

Reality: Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can really benefit from effective marketing strategies. In fact, marketing can be more critical for smaller businesses as they often need to compete with larger companies for market share.

2) Myth: Social media is free marketing

Reality: While setting up social media accounts is free, doing it well requires time, effort, and sometimes money for advertising and content creation. Plus, understanding and using analytics is key to making social media work for you.

3) Myth: Good products sell themselves

Reality: Even the best products need marketing to reach potential customers. Without awareness and a strong message about why your product is worth buying, a good product might go unnoticed.

4) Myth: Marketing is an expense, not an investment

Reality: Effective marketing can bring a solid return on investment (ROI). By attracting new customers and retaining existing ones, marketing boosts revenue and supports business growth.

5) Myth: Marketing can guarantee immediate results

Reality: Marketing often requires some patience. Building brand awareness and trust takes time, and it can take weeks or months to see significant results from your marketing campaigns.

6) Myth: The more marketing, the better

Reality: Quality over quantity is key in marketing. Targeted and strategic efforts are more effective than just flooding the market with messages. It’s all about reaching the right people with the right message.

7) Myth: Marketing is only about acquiring new customers

Reality: Retaining existing customers is just as important, if not more so. Loyal customers can provide repeat business and act as brand ambassadors, spreading positive word-of-mouth.

Our expert team is able to offer full support for your marketing needs, providing valuable insights and suggestions to get results.

For a free virtual marketing ideas session with marketing experts, call us on 01962 600 147 or email info@tlc-business.co.uk

Unlocking success: How social media marketing transforms your business

In today’s digital age, social media marketing isn’t just an option—it’s a necessity. With billions of active users across various platforms, social media offers an unparalleled opportunity to connect with your audience, build brand awareness, and drive business growth.

The power of social media marketing

1. Unmatched reach and engagement

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn boast billions of users combined. This massive audience means your brand can reach potential customers like never before. But it’s not just about the numbers. Social media allows for direct engagement with your audience through comments, shares, and likes, fostering a sense of community and loyalty around your brand.

2. Targeted advertising

One of the most powerful aspects of social media marketing is the ability to target specific demographics with precision. Whether it’s age, location, interests, or behaviours, social media platforms provide detailed targeting options. This ensures that your ads reach the right people, maximising your return on investment.

3. Cost-effective marketing

Compared to traditional marketing methods, social media marketing is incredibly cost-effective. Setting up a profile is free, and even paid advertising options are relatively affordable. This makes social media an ideal platform for businesses of all sizes to promote their products or services without breaking the bank.

4. Real-time analytics and adjustments

Social media platforms offer robust analytics tools that provide insights into your marketing campaigns. You can track engagement rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates in real-time. This data allows you to make informed decisions and adjust your strategies on the fly to optimise performance.

Crafting a winning social media strategy

1. Define your goals

Start by defining what you want to achieve with your social media marketing. Are you looking to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, generate leads, or boost sales? Clear goals will guide your strategy and help you measure success.

2. Know your audience

Understanding your target audience is crucial. Conduct market research to identify your audience’s demographics, interests, and online behaviours. This information will help you create content that resonates with them and choose the right platforms to reach them.

3. Create engaging content

Content is king in the realm of social media. Develop a content strategy that includes a mix of informative, entertaining, and promotional posts. High-quality visuals, compelling stories, and interactive content like polls, surveys and quizzes can significantly boost engagement.

4. Use paid advertising

While organic reach is valuable, leveraging paid advertising can amplify your efforts. Invest in social media ads to target specific demographics and reach a larger audience. Experiment with different ad formats like carousel ads, video ads, and sponsored posts to see what works best for your brand.

5. Engage and interact

Social media is a two-way street. Don’t just post content—engage with your audience. Respond to comments, participate in discussions, and show appreciation for user-generated content. This interaction builds a loyal community and humanises your brand.

6. Monitor and adjust

Regularly review your social media performance using analytics tools. Track key metrics like engagement rates, follower growth, and conversion rates. Use this data to refine your strategy, focusing on what works and discarding what doesn’t.

Social media marketing is a dynamic and powerful tool for businesses looking to grow their online presence and connect with their audience. By being adaptable and understanding what works best, you can unlock unparalleled success for your business.

Ready to transform your business with social media marketing? For a free virtual marketing ideas session with social media marketing experts, call us on 01962 600 147 or email info@tlc-business.co.uk

Essential Content for Your Website: What Every Page Needs

Is your current website struggling to get the clicks your business deserves, or are you looking to create a new website?

We’ve put together a guide on the essential content your website should have, to make sure it is engaging, drives business and leaves a positive lasting impression on your visitors:

1) Homepage

Your homepage is usually the first impression visitors have of your website. It should clearly communicate who you are, what you offer, and why visitors should choose you.

Key elements to include:

– A brief overview of your business.

– Highlight the benefits of your products or services.

– Direct links or calls to action (CTAs) guiding visitors to important sections and encouraging visitors to take the next step. Whether it’s exploring your products, signing up for a newsletter, or contacting you.

2) About Us

The About Us page tells your story and explains what sets you apart from the competition. Here you can delve deeper into your history, core values, and any unique aspects of your approach or team. Things to include:

– Your company or personal backstory: Highlight what makes you stand out.

– Team bios: Introduce key team members to humanise your brand and build trust.

– Your achievements and credentials: To establish your brand authority.

3) Products or services

This page is where you showcase your offerings in detail. Make sure to include:

– Product/service descriptions: Provide clear, concise descriptions of each offering, highlighting key features and benefits.

– High-quality images or videos: Visuals help potential customers better understand your products or services.

– Pricing information: If applicable, include pricing details or a call-to-action to request a quote.

4) Testimonials and case studies

Testimonials and case studies are powerful ways to build trust and demonstrate the value of your products or services. They show potential customers that others have been satisfied with what you offer. Be sure to feature:

– Customer testimonials: Showcase positive reviews and feedback from satisfied customers.

– Case studies: Highlight success stories or examples of how your products or services have benefited clients.

5) Contact us 

Make it easy for visitors to get in touch with you. A dedicated contact page with various ways to get in touch can improve user experience and credibility. Include:

– Contact information: Provide multiple ways for visitors to reach you, such as phone, email, links to social media profiles and a contact form.

– Business hours: Specify when you’re available to assist customers.

– Location: If you have a physical presence, include your address or an embedded map for directions.

6) Blogs or news

A blog or news section can help you establish yourself as an industry leader, improve your search engine optimisation (SEO) and drive traffic to your site. Include:

– Informative articles: Share valuable content related to your industry, products or services.

– How-to guides: Provide practical tips and advice that demonstrate your expertise.

– Latest updates: Keep visitors informed about company news, product launches, or industry developments.

It’s vital to regularly update your content, to keep it relevant and engaging.

7) FAQs

Anticipate and address common questions and concerns visitors may have with a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page. Include:

– Frequently Asked Questions: Compile a list of questions and provide clear, concise answers.

– Search functionality: Make it easy for visitors to find the information they’re looking for.

We hope you’ve found this guide useful, if you need any support, our team is always happy to help.

For a free virtual marketing ideas session with marketing experts, call us on 01962 600 147 or email info@tlc-business.co.uk

How to master email marketing in 2024

In the digital age, emails remain one of the most powerful tools for direct communication with your audience.

But, users are becoming more selective about the emails they open. In this blog, find out how to create standout email campaigns in 2024:

1) Understanding email marketing today

People expect more from email marketing today, it’s not just a case of typing a quick email and pressing send. Personalisation, relevant content and a great design is needed to catch your audience’s attention and encourage them to read more.

2) Write attention-grabbing subject lines

The subject line is your first and sometimes only chance to engage your audience. We find that clear, concise subject lines that spark people’s interest will encourage people to open your emails and read on. A/B testing can be used to see what works well for your email campaigns.

3) Personalisation

Personalising your emails to deliver more targeted and relevant content works really well. Including their name is a great start, but going beyond this you could segment your email list based on purchase history, location, or behaviour and really personalise your approach and increase engagement.

4) Send at key times

Make sure you are sending your email campaign at a time that is most likely to reach your audience. This varies by industry and demographics, so it is about getting the right time for your business. A key thing to avoid is clashing with any industry events, or sending at times when no one will be checking their emails.

5) Optimise for mobiles

With the majority of emails now being read on mobile devices, it’s essential that your emails look great and function seamlessly across all devices. This can significantly impact open and click-through rates. By prioritising mobile optimisation, you can effectively reach and engage your audience wherever they are.

6) Engaging content

The era of static emails is behind us. Today, consumers crave interactivity and engagement. This includes interactive elements such as polls, surveys, or clickable buttons to capture attention. It has also been found that interactive content builds a deeper connection with your audience.

7) Review results

Understanding how your email campaigns got on by looking at open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates is essential for refining future campaigns and making sure your audience engages with your emails. But if you get stuck, we are always here to help!

For a free virtual marketing ideas session with marketing experts, call us on 01962 600 147 or email info@tlc-business.co.uk

Why marketing is essential for small businesses

In today’s competitive business landscape, marketing is not just a luxury reserved for the big players; it’s a vital tool for small businesses looking to thrive.

While many small business owners might consider marketing a non-essential expense, especially when budgets are tight, the truth is that effective marketing can be the lifeline that propels a small business from obscurity to success.

Here’s why marketing is vital for SMEs:


1) Building brand awareness

For a small business, making potential customers aware of your brand is the first step toward success. Marketing helps put your brand on the map, making sure customers think of you when they need the products or services you offer. Without marketing, even the best products can go unnoticed.

2) Engaging with customers

Marketing provides a platform for small businesses to communicate and engage with their customers. Whether it’s through social media, email newsletters, or content marketing, engaging with your audience helps build relationships, foster loyalty, and encourage repeat business.


3) Standing out from the competition

In a crowded market, making sure your brand stands out from competitors is essential. Marketing allows you to highlight what makes your business unique, showcasing your value proposition and why customers should choose you over others.


4) Driving sales

Ultimately, the goal of any business is to generate revenue, and marketing is a key driver of sales. By increasing brand awareness, engaging customers, and highlighting your unique selling points, marketing will directly influence your sales numbers.


5) Encouraging customer retention

Acquiring a new customer often means investing in new marketing and advertising campaigns, which in reality, can be much more expensive than retaining an existing customer.

By using effective marketing strategies like email marketing and loyalty programs, small businesses can keep their existing customers engaged and encourage repeat business.

6) Growing your business

Marketing is not just about selling products or services; it’s about telling your business’ story, sharing your values, and building your brand. As your business grows, consistent marketing helps maintain momentum, attract new customers, and explore new markets.


7) Cost-effective strategies

Thanks to digital marketing, small businesses now have access to cost-effective marketing tools that were once available only to companies with substantial marketing budgets.

Platforms like social media, email marketing, and content marketing offer powerful ways to reach your audience without breaking the bank.


8) Measurable results

With the rise of digital marketing, small businesses can now track how effective their marketing campaigns are in real-time.

Tools like Google Analytics and social media insights provide valuable data on how your marketing efforts are translating into actual business results, allowing for more informed decision-making.

9) Building credibility and trust

Consistent, high-quality marketing efforts help build your business’ credibility and trust. Customers are more likely to do business with a brand that presents itself professionally and communicates clearly and consistently.

If you need marketing support, our friendly team is always happy to help.


For a free virtual marketing ideas session with marketing experts, call us on 01962 600 147 or email info@tlc-business.co.uk

How to engage your audience using Interactive Content

Digital marketing is constantly changing and interactive content is the perfect way to engage your audience in real-time.

It’s not just about talking to your audience anymore; it’s about inviting them to join the conversation and be part of the action.

Let’s delve into the the most popular ways businesses are interacting with their audience:

1) Polls and Surveys

Polls and surveys are all about sparking conversations and showing your audience that their voices matter.

Want to know what your audience really thinks? Create a poll or survey and watch as their opinions and insights pour in. You’ll be able to understand what they think and capture some valuable data along the way.

2) Quizzes

Quizzes are a fun way to engage with your audience. Who doesn’t love a good quiz after all?

Whether it’s testing their knowledge, personality, or trivia skills, quizzes invite audiences to join in and you get to show off a bit of brand personality.

3) Live Q&A Sessions

Inviting your audience to join you in real-time is engaging and has an authenticity that no pre-recorded video can match.

Whether it’s answering burning questions, sharing behind-the-scenes stories, or simply having a chat, live Q&A sessions are a great way to build a connection with your audience.

4) GIFs

GIFs have emerged as a powerful tool in interactive marketing for capturing attention, sharing emotions, actions and messages in an expressive, visually captivating way.

Whether you’re using them in social media posts or email campaigns, GIFs have proven to be versatile and impactful across various marketing channels.

They are easy to share, enhance engagement, increase brand visibility and leave a lasting impression on your target audience.

5) Viral posts

Whether it’s a funny meme, an inspiring story, or a thought-provoking video, viral posts have the potential to reach a wide audience and generate buzz around your brand.

Creating shareable content that resonates with your audience is key to driving brand visibility and engagement.

6) Video

Video content will keep your viewers on your page for longer. It’s a great way to get your message across clearly, and featuring staff members will make your brand more personable and relatable.

7) Augmented Reality (AR) Experiences

AR (Augmented Reality) technology lets users interact with virtual objects overlaid onto the real world using their smartphones or other devices. Whether it’s trying on virtual clothing, or visualising furniture in their home, AR experiences offer an immersive brand experience and provide a unique and memorable way to engage with your audience.

8) Interactive calculators

Offering interactive calculators on your website can be a game-changer for engaging your audience. You could use it to calculate how much they would save by switching to your brand. It keeps users engaged on your site for longer periods, increasing the chances of conversion.

9) Community building

Many successful businesses have built a strong community around their brand. Sharing insightful information and helpful advice to build a supportive environment for their followers, whilst increasing engagement and loyalty.

To find new ways to engage your audience, sign up for our free virtual marketing ideas session with marketing experts, call us on 01962 600 147 or email info@tlc-business.co.uk.

The science behind consumer behaviour

One of the best-kept-secrets to marketing success is understanding marketing psychology – how (and why) people think and act the way they do. So you can create engaging content that connects with your audience and leads to business success.

So we’ll let you into the secret, by revealing marketing psychology that works:

Top 9 Marketing Psychology Tips

1) Priming

Priming is all about brand association. If you repeatedly show consumers positive messages or images about your product or brand, it will influence how they perceive it.

For example, if a brand always talks about how healthy its snacks are, people might think of them as a healthy choice when they see them in the store. By priming consumers with positive associations, you can make your products seem more appealing and encourage sales.

Healthy Menu Recipe Food Diet

2) Reciprocity

Another interesting one is reciprocity – people feel more inclined to do something for you, if you do something for them first.

This concept by psychologist Cialdini works well in hospitality, but can work in all industries. His research found that restaurants who served a mint with the bill received better tips. With one mint, the tip increased by 3.3% and with two mints it increased by a massive 20%.

A simple giveaway or offering free trial services, will encourage your customers to take up your offers and engage with your brand.


3) Decoy effect

A good example of the decoy effect is in pricing, upselling your customer by offering a middle option to make the higher priced deal seem more appealing.

For instance:

  • Online subscription: £59
  • Print subscription: £125
  • Online and print subscription: £125

A recent study found that without the middle option most people chose the cheaper option, but with the middle option added most people upgraded to the higher-priced option, perceiving it as the best value for money.


4) Scarcity

Scarcity is another Cialdini concept – making people aware there’s only a few left, or only a few left at this price, creates a sense of urgency and people will quickly snap up your offers.

Essentially it’s a case of supply and demand – the more rare the opportunity, content or product is, the more valuable it is.

red love freestanding letters on gray brick floor

5) The Baader-Meinhof phenomenon

The Baader-Meinhof phenomenon, also known as the frequency illusion, comes into effect when you hear about a product and then start seeing it everywhere you look.

It happens when you are struck by a new product, word or concept, then you subconsciously keep an eye out for it and are surprised by how often you see it, confirming in your own mind its popularity, making you want the product more. Regular attention-grabbing email campaigns, content and adverts can trigger this phenomenon and increase brand exposure.


6) Social proof

Social proof, often driven by the Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO), is a powerful psychological concept in marketing. When people see others they like or trust endorsing a brand, they are more likely to try it themselves.

Creating shareable content for socials, will help to increase your followers and make your brand more visible, leveraging the power of social proof to attract new customers.


7) Clustering

Most people can only remember seven pieces of information at a time (give or take two). People tend to cluster words together to help remember them, like mentally grouping similar shopping list items together.

Grouping your content together in similar topics, using bullet points to make your content easier to scan can help your customers remember it.


8) Loss aversion

Loss aversion can be a powerful marketing tool, as once people have access to something they really don’t want to lose it.

For instance, if you offer a usually paid for service as part of a free trial, or for a limited time, people won’t want to give it up and will usually upgrade to pay for the service, instead of missing out on it.


9) Neuromarketing

Neuromarketing has unveiled crucial insights into consumer behaviour using brain imaging techniques like fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) and EEG (electroencephalography). Studies reveal that emotional engagement significantly influences decision-making, with specific neural pathways lighting up in response to various marketing stimuli.

Brain study background for mental health care medical technology

Connecting with your consumer, through your storytelling and by understanding and addressing their pain points, can help form strong emotional connections, a sense of belonging and brand loyalty.

Neuromarketing research also highlights how much of consumer decision-making is subconscious. It reveals how subtle cues, such as colour, typography, imagery and language, can influence consumers’ perceptions, preferences and purchase decisions without their conscious awareness.

It just goes to show the long-lasting power the right marketing can have.


For a free virtual marketing ideas session with marketing experts, call us on 01962 600 147 or email info@tlc-business.co.uk