How to master email marketing in 2024

In the digital age, emails remain one of the most powerful tools for direct communication with your audience.

But, users are becoming more selective about the emails they open. In this blog, find out how to create standout email campaigns in 2024:

1) Understanding email marketing today

People expect more from email marketing today, it’s not just a case of typing a quick email and pressing send. Personalisation, relevant content and a great design is needed to catch your audience’s attention and encourage them to read more.

2) Write attention-grabbing subject lines

The subject line is your first and sometimes only chance to engage your audience. We find that clear, concise subject lines that spark people’s interest will encourage people to open your emails and read on. A/B testing can be used to see what works well for your email campaigns.

3) Personalisation

Personalising your emails to deliver more targeted and relevant content works really well. Including their name is a great start, but going beyond this you could segment your email list based on purchase history, location, or behaviour and really personalise your approach and increase engagement.

4) Send at key times

Make sure you are sending your email campaign at a time that is most likely to reach your audience. This varies by industry and demographics, so it is about getting the right time for your business. A key thing to avoid is clashing with any industry events, or sending at times when no one will be checking their emails.

5) Optimise for mobiles

With the majority of emails now being read on mobile devices, it’s essential that your emails look great and function seamlessly across all devices. This can significantly impact open and click-through rates. By prioritising mobile optimisation, you can effectively reach and engage your audience wherever they are.

6) Engaging content

The era of static emails is behind us. Today, consumers crave interactivity and engagement. This includes interactive elements such as polls, surveys, or clickable buttons to capture attention. It has also been found that interactive content builds a deeper connection with your audience.

7) Review results

Understanding how your email campaigns got on by looking at open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates is essential for refining future campaigns and making sure your audience engages with your emails. But if you get stuck, we are always here to help!

For a free virtual marketing ideas session with marketing experts, call us on 01962 600 147 or email

Why marketing is essential for small businesses

In today’s competitive business landscape, marketing is not just a luxury reserved for the big players; it’s a vital tool for small businesses looking to thrive.

While many small business owners might consider marketing a non-essential expense, especially when budgets are tight, the truth is that effective marketing can be the lifeline that propels a small business from obscurity to success.

Here’s why marketing is vital for SMEs:


1) Building brand awareness

For a small business, making potential customers aware of your brand is the first step toward success. Marketing helps put your brand on the map, making sure customers think of you when they need the products or services you offer. Without marketing, even the best products can go unnoticed.

2) Engaging with customers

Marketing provides a platform for small businesses to communicate and engage with their customers. Whether it’s through social media, email newsletters, or content marketing, engaging with your audience helps build relationships, foster loyalty, and encourage repeat business.


3) Standing out from the competition

In a crowded market, making sure your brand stands out from competitors is essential. Marketing allows you to highlight what makes your business unique, showcasing your value proposition and why customers should choose you over others.


4) Driving sales

Ultimately, the goal of any business is to generate revenue, and marketing is a key driver of sales. By increasing brand awareness, engaging customers, and highlighting your unique selling points, marketing will directly influence your sales numbers.


5) Encouraging customer retention

Acquiring a new customer often means investing in new marketing and advertising campaigns, which in reality, can be much more expensive than retaining an existing customer.

By using effective marketing strategies like email marketing and loyalty programs, small businesses can keep their existing customers engaged and encourage repeat business.

6) Growing your business

Marketing is not just about selling products or services; it’s about telling your business’ story, sharing your values, and building your brand. As your business grows, consistent marketing helps maintain momentum, attract new customers, and explore new markets.


7) Cost-effective strategies

Thanks to digital marketing, small businesses now have access to cost-effective marketing tools that were once available only to companies with substantial marketing budgets.

Platforms like social media, email marketing, and content marketing offer powerful ways to reach your audience without breaking the bank.


8) Measurable results

With the rise of digital marketing, small businesses can now track how effective their marketing campaigns are in real-time.

Tools like Google Analytics and social media insights provide valuable data on how your marketing efforts are translating into actual business results, allowing for more informed decision-making.

9) Building credibility and trust

Consistent, high-quality marketing efforts help build your business’ credibility and trust. Customers are more likely to do business with a brand that presents itself professionally and communicates clearly and consistently.

If you need marketing support, our friendly team is always happy to help.


For a free virtual marketing ideas session with marketing experts, call us on 01962 600 147 or email

How to engage your audience using Interactive Content

Digital marketing is constantly changing and interactive content is the perfect way to engage your audience in real-time.

It’s not just about talking to your audience anymore; it’s about inviting them to join the conversation and be part of the action.

Let’s delve into the the most popular ways businesses are interacting with their audience:

1) Polls and Surveys

Polls and surveys are all about sparking conversations and showing your audience that their voices matter.

Want to know what your audience really thinks? Create a poll or survey and watch as their opinions and insights pour in. You’ll be able to understand what they think and capture some valuable data along the way.

2) Quizzes

Quizzes are a fun way to engage with your audience. Who doesn’t love a good quiz after all?

Whether it’s testing their knowledge, personality, or trivia skills, quizzes invite audiences to join in and you get to show off a bit of brand personality.

3) Live Q&A Sessions

Inviting your audience to join you in real-time is engaging and has an authenticity that no pre-recorded video can match.

Whether it’s answering burning questions, sharing behind-the-scenes stories, or simply having a chat, live Q&A sessions are a great way to build a connection with your audience.

4) GIFs

GIFs have emerged as a powerful tool in interactive marketing for capturing attention, sharing emotions, actions and messages in an expressive, visually captivating way.

Whether you’re using them in social media posts or email campaigns, GIFs have proven to be versatile and impactful across various marketing channels.

They are easy to share, enhance engagement, increase brand visibility and leave a lasting impression on your target audience.

5) Viral posts

Whether it’s a funny meme, an inspiring story, or a thought-provoking video, viral posts have the potential to reach a wide audience and generate buzz around your brand.

Creating shareable content that resonates with your audience is key to driving brand visibility and engagement.

6) Video

Video content will keep your viewers on your page for longer. It’s a great way to get your message across clearly, and featuring staff members will make your brand more personable and relatable.

7) Augmented Reality (AR) Experiences

AR (Augmented Reality) technology lets users interact with virtual objects overlaid onto the real world using their smartphones or other devices. Whether it’s trying on virtual clothing, or visualising furniture in their home, AR experiences offer an immersive brand experience and provide a unique and memorable way to engage with your audience.

8) Interactive calculators

Offering interactive calculators on your website can be a game-changer for engaging your audience. You could use it to calculate how much they would save by switching to your brand. It keeps users engaged on your site for longer periods, increasing the chances of conversion.

9) Community building

Many successful businesses have built a strong community around their brand. Sharing insightful information and helpful advice to build a supportive environment for their followers, whilst increasing engagement and loyalty.

To find new ways to engage your audience, sign up for our free virtual marketing ideas session with marketing experts, call us on 01962 600 147 or email

The science behind consumer behaviour

One of the best-kept-secrets to marketing success is understanding marketing psychology – how (and why) people think and act the way they do. So you can create engaging content that connects with your audience and leads to business success.

So we’ll let you into the secret, by revealing marketing psychology that works:

Top 9 Marketing Psychology Tips

1) Priming

Priming is all about brand association. If you repeatedly show consumers positive messages or images about your product or brand, it will influence how they perceive it.

For example, if a brand always talks about how healthy its snacks are, people might think of them as a healthy choice when they see them in the store. By priming consumers with positive associations, you can make your products seem more appealing and encourage sales.

Healthy Menu Recipe Food Diet

2) Reciprocity

Another interesting one is reciprocity – people feel more inclined to do something for you, if you do something for them first.

This concept by psychologist Cialdini works well in hospitality, but can work in all industries. His research found that restaurants who served a mint with the bill received better tips. With one mint, the tip increased by 3.3% and with two mints it increased by a massive 20%.

A simple giveaway or offering free trial services, will encourage your customers to take up your offers and engage with your brand.


3) Decoy effect

A good example of the decoy effect is in pricing, upselling your customer by offering a middle option to make the higher priced deal seem more appealing.

For instance:

  • Online subscription: £59
  • Print subscription: £125
  • Online and print subscription: £125

A recent study found that without the middle option most people chose the cheaper option, but with the middle option added most people upgraded to the higher-priced option, perceiving it as the best value for money.


4) Scarcity

Scarcity is another Cialdini concept – making people aware there’s only a few left, or only a few left at this price, creates a sense of urgency and people will quickly snap up your offers.

Essentially it’s a case of supply and demand – the more rare the opportunity, content or product is, the more valuable it is.

red love freestanding letters on gray brick floor

5) The Baader-Meinhof phenomenon

The Baader-Meinhof phenomenon, also known as the frequency illusion, comes into effect when you hear about a product and then start seeing it everywhere you look.

It happens when you are struck by a new product, word or concept, then you subconsciously keep an eye out for it and are surprised by how often you see it, confirming in your own mind its popularity, making you want the product more. Regular attention-grabbing email campaigns, content and adverts can trigger this phenomenon and increase brand exposure.


6) Social proof

Social proof, often driven by the Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO), is a powerful psychological concept in marketing. When people see others they like or trust endorsing a brand, they are more likely to try it themselves.

Creating shareable content for socials, will help to increase your followers and make your brand more visible, leveraging the power of social proof to attract new customers.


7) Clustering

Most people can only remember seven pieces of information at a time (give or take two). People tend to cluster words together to help remember them, like mentally grouping similar shopping list items together.

Grouping your content together in similar topics, using bullet points to make your content easier to scan can help your customers remember it.


8) Loss aversion

Loss aversion can be a powerful marketing tool, as once people have access to something they really don’t want to lose it.

For instance, if you offer a usually paid for service as part of a free trial, or for a limited time, people won’t want to give it up and will usually upgrade to pay for the service, instead of missing out on it.


9) Neuromarketing

Neuromarketing has unveiled crucial insights into consumer behaviour using brain imaging techniques like fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) and EEG (electroencephalography). Studies reveal that emotional engagement significantly influences decision-making, with specific neural pathways lighting up in response to various marketing stimuli.

Brain study background for mental health care medical technology

Connecting with your consumer, through your storytelling and by understanding and addressing their pain points, can help form strong emotional connections, a sense of belonging and brand loyalty.

Neuromarketing research also highlights how much of consumer decision-making is subconscious. It reveals how subtle cues, such as colour, typography, imagery and language, can influence consumers’ perceptions, preferences and purchase decisions without their conscious awareness.

It just goes to show the long-lasting power the right marketing can have.


For a free virtual marketing ideas session with marketing experts, call us on 01962 600 147 or email

Most unusual ways to get marketing attention

In a world where capturing consumer attention is more challenging than ever, businesses keen to stand out from the crowd are turning to more unconventional methods.

From the quirky, to the daring, here are some of the most unusual tactics that have sparked intrigue, generated buzz and left a lasting impression on audiences:

1) Guerrilla marketing

Guerilla marketing grabs people’s attention by disrupting everyday routines with unexpected marketing tactics.

Popular activities include flash mobs, sidewalk chalk art, or placing eye-catching installations in unexpected public places.

a large group of people dressed in white and blue

2) Tattoo branding

Some businesses have paid individuals to get tattoos of the company’s logo or product. This extreme form of marketing turns people into walking billboards.

3) Product placement in virtual worlds

With the surge in popularity of virtual reality and online gaming, savvy companies are seizing the opportunity and placing their products within virtual worlds to connect with their target demographics.

4) Hiring lookalikes

Employing lookalikes of celebrities or well-known figures to promote products turns heads, especially if they interact with the public in character.

Girls with cups standing back to back

5) Viral marketing

Social media posts have the power to go viral and quickly get widespread attention.

Successful businesses and influencers will create engaging videos, memes, or interactive campaigns that are highly shareable. The secret is to create engaging content that will encourage people to share it with their networks.

6) Reverse graffiti

Reverse graffiti is an eco-friendly way to grab attention in urban areas.

It involves cleaning dirt off streets or walls to leave behind a message or image.

7) Ephemeral content

Leveraging platforms like Snapchat to create marketing content that disappears after a short period can create a sense of urgency and exclusivity among audiences.

Woman sitting on staircase using snapchat app on smartphone

8) Mystery campaigns

Launching a mystery marketing campaign, with little to no detail, can get the curiosity of your audience.

Teaser campaigns with cryptic messages, or mysterious packages, sent to customers can create buzz as people try to solve the mystery.

9) Edible advertising

Using food to deliver your message can be a tasty and memorable way to market. For example, customised fortune cookies or printed messages on confectionery.

10) Outlandish challenges

Creating a challenge or contest that encourages people to engage in unusual tasks for rewards can generate viral content and attention.

11) Using drones

Using drones to deliver products, create aerial light shows with logos, or capture unique footage for marketing purposes can stand out in the technological age.

Quadcopter flying in nature

12) Incorporating scent

Using scented advertisements or having a unique fragrance associated with your store or product can create a memorable sensory experience.

13) Stunt marketing

Stunt marketing aims to create a memorable experience that generates significant media coverage and word-of-mouth publicity.

Think skydiving stunts, extreme sports demonstrations, or large-scale art installations.

You can’t expect all of these wacky ideas to go down well with your target audience. Unusual marketing strategies can be hit or miss, and what resonates with one demographic might not work with another.

It’s important to consider your brand image and what would work well with your brand. We are happy to help with personalised ideas for how to get the right attention for your business.


For a free virtual marketing ideas session with marketing experts, call us on 01962 600 147 or email

Leap into action: Successful marketing strategies for 2024’s Leap Year

Leap years only come round once every four years. So it’s a great chance to work it into your marketing strategy and capture your audience’s attention.


How to use leap years to your advantage

1) Novelty factor

Capitalise on the novelty of a leap year. You can build anticipation leading up to the leap day on 29th February, with countdown campaigns.

You could tease your followers that something exciting is coming and will be revealed on this year’s leap day. Visual elements like countdown clocks work really well to grab attention and engage your audience.


2) Promotional events

Host special events on the leap day. Whether it’s an in-store event, online webinar, or social media live stream.

Create an experience that customers will associate with the uniqueness of leap year and want to get involved with.

Free photo diverse business people in a dinner party

3) Create limited-time offers

Leap years are a great chance to create a sense of urgency by introducing limited-time offers, discounts or promotions that are only valid on this year’s leap day.

Encourage your audience to take advantage of these exclusive deals, as if they miss it, they won’t come around for another four years!


4) Introduce limited edition products or services

A great way to get attention is to introduce limited edition products or services exclusively for the leap year.

It could be an exciting twist on an existing product, a special menu item, or a one-time service package. Rare and exclusive offerings always go down well.


5) Get noticed on social media

Use the leap year theme to engage with your audience on social media. Encourage them to share how they plan to make the most of their extra day and create a branded hashtag for the leap year.

You can even run polls related to leap year activities and create shareable content that generates buzz around your brand. This can help generate user-generated content and increase your brand’s visibility.

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6) Create leap year themed content 

Develop leap year themed content for your blog, website or newsletters. This could include articles, infographics or videos that leap out to you, again centering this around exclusive leap year deals, product launches and events will quickly get people’s interest.


7) Personalised email campaigns

Design creative and attention-grabbing email campaigns centred around the leap year theme.

Incorporate leap year visuals, and personalise your messages, so it is clear this is a unique opportunity they wouldn’t want to miss.


8) Involve your employees

Get your team involved in the leap year marketing excitement. Encourage employees to share their plans for the extra day on social media, and showcase behind-the-scenes glimpses of how your company is preparing for the leap year festivities to add a personal touch.

Free photo close up on young business team working

9) Collaborations

Explore collaborations with other businesses or influencers to amplify your marketing efforts. Joint campaigns can bring in a broader audience and create a buzz around your brand during the leap year.

Through clever marketing capitalising on this year’s leap year, you can build a sense of excitement and exclusivity that will set you apart from the competition.


For a free virtual marketing ideas session with marketing experts, call us on 01962 600 147 or email

The new era of Sustainability Marketing

Sustainability is making big waves in all industries and we have to make sure it extends into your marketing too.

Don’t forget to shout about your sustainable successes and the impact you are making!


Shout about your efforts

By highlighting the positive impacts your business is making, not only informs your customers, but strengthens your brand image.

We find transparent and effective communication builds credibility and will help to attract the growing number of eco-conscious consumers.


Making an impact

To stay relevant, it’s vital to understand the initiatives that are currently making an impact. Whether your efforts are big or small, sharing your current efforts, and your sustainable targets for the future, will help you stand out.

Sustainable areas that are currently turning heads are:

Company-wide initiatives:

  • Investing in renewable energy
  • Using eco-friendly packaging: embracing recyclable, reusable, biodegradable and compostable packaging
  • Cutting out single-use plastics
  • Improving supply chain: Carefully selecting local suppliers, using fewer shipments and smaller vehicles to reduce the carbon footprint
  • Ranging energy-efficient products
  • Driving innovation in sustainability
  • Adopting the latest sustainable features
  • Reducing waste

Internal improvements:

  • Switching to hybrid or electric company cars
  • Recycling, reusing and reducing waste
  • Investing in sustainable training to raise awareness for a greener future
  • Opting for energy-efficient equipment
  • Supporting local environmental initiatives or charities

Free photo group of businesspeople making plans on energy saving at workplace

Promoting sustainability

Digital transition

Sharing your content online will massively help to reduce your paper consumption and make sure you are taking a more eco-friendly approach.


Share success on socials

Use social media platforms to share your sustainability achievements and accreditations with a wider audience.


Personalised campaigns

Traditional marketing methods, such as mass mailings, can generate large quantities of printed materials that may go unread or be discarded. Personalised campaigns will not only be more engaging, but reduce waste.

Free photo woman picking up the mail

Avoid greenwashing

Greenwashing is a term that was coined as early as the 1980’s – meaning to exaggerate your commitment to sustainability.

Find the right balance in your messaging, it’s a good idea to focus on genuine impactful initiatives.


Collaborate for wider impact

Collaborate with influencers and charities to help spread the message of sustainability to a wider audience.


Reusable promo material

For printed promo material, like banners, it’s best to make sure it’s reusable. Remember to meticulously proofread before going to print, getting a fresh pair of eyes to look at it will help to avoid any costly mistakes and unnecessary waste.

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Celebrate your successes

No matter how big or small your sustainability successes are, celebrate them. Let your customers know about the positive impacts you’re making and future-proof your business.


For a free virtual marketing ideas session with marketing experts, call us on 01962 600 147 or email

10 simple ways to get new leads and grow your business

We’re all about helping SMEs grow and one of the best ways to do that is by getting new leads.

Often, our customers know what they want to achieve, but find it tricky to know where to start. We’re always here to help, and to get you started we have put together 10 key ways to generate new leads and grow your business:


1) Purchase relevant data

Contacting the right people is vital. Purchasing relevant data is an ideal way to target relevant businesses, honing in on specific job titles that you think would be beneficial to talk to.

Use market research to understand your potential customers’ needs, preferences and behaviours. This information will help to guide your sales pitches and marketing efforts.

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2) Create email campaigns

Sending prospecting emails is a great way to gauge interest and generate new business. Think about your timing and recipients carefully to get the most out of your efforts.

Sending personalised offers to your existing customers and newsletters with product updates works well and is highly effective for lead generation. Our expert team is always here to run successful email campaigns for you.


3) Cold calling

Although it can be daunting picking up the phone and contacting someone new, it can be a great way to get an instant response and establish genuine interest in your products and services.


4) Networking

Attending industry events is a great way to make connections within the industry. Consider entering awards and attending award ceremonies, to get industry recognition.

Networking is a powerful tool to connect with potential leads and partners that can refer business to you.

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5) Good PR

It’s a good idea to write engaging and insightful articles for industry magazines and websites to get widely seen.

Share positive reviews, customer testimonials and case studies to establish yourselves as a reputable and trusted company worth doing business with.


6) Collaborate

Developing partnerships or collaborations with other companies is a great way to increase your reach and access their audience too.

Gaining backlinks will give your business a great boost. Each time another website links to yours in an article, it boosts your domain authority and improves the chance of people clicking through to your website.


7) Improve SEO

Working to improve your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), will mean your business will appear higher on web searches and reach more people.

Writing relevant blogs will show your brand authority and help with SEO. Adding internal links will also help crawlers to find relevant content and improve your search ranking.

Free photo businesswoman working on a laptop

8) Regular social media posts

Posting regularly on social media will increase your reach. Sponsored ads and boosted posts are a great way to get seen and gain followers. Plus, targeted ads will help you reach specific demographics, driving significant traffic to your website and landing pages.

It’s also a good idea to share links to your blogs and white papers on social media to establish your authority in the industry.


9) Keep up-to-date

Make sure your company information is up-to-date, simple things like keeping your Business profile on Google My Business updated will mean new customers can contact you easily and you don’t miss out on any potential business.


10) Offer referral schemes

One of the best ways to generate new business is through word of mouth. Encourage your current customers to refer new clients to you. Offer incentives for referrals that result in new business.

Once you’ve done the hard work getting new leads, don’t forget to follow them up quickly, so you don’t lose out on potential business. Our team is always here to help with your marketing needs.


For a free virtual marketing ideas session with marketing experts, call us on 01962 600 147 or email

New Year’s resolutions you should make for your business in 2024

Happy New Year! We hope you had a lovely festive time with your friends and family.

Now the New Year has officially begun, it’s time to knuckle down and make some New Year’s resolutions to help your business thrive in 2024.

Here are our top marketing New Year’s resolutions for 2024:


Spend time on lead generation

Kick off the New Year positively focusing on driving your business forwards. Spending time making new leads is a great way to secure new business and get off to a strong start.

Craft compelling email campaigns to reach a wider audience and use direct messaging on social media platforms to provide a more personal way to connect with people. If you need support, our expert team is always happy to help turn your plan into a reality!


Post more on socials

Sharing regular posts on social media will be really important to get noticed in 2024. As we covered in our last blog, many businesses will be looking to build on their social ecommerce.

You may even want to explore new platforms that are popular with your target audience, (it is a New Year after all, what better time to try new things?!)

Free photo woman using smartphone technology

Offer irresistible deals

Many people will have overspent over Christmas, so offering fantastic New Year’s deals will be a good way to attract customers.

Incentivising customers to spend more with personalised offers, and upselling where possible, will be a good way to generate some additional revenue.


Reward loyalty

It’s not all about trying to gain new business, keeping your existing customers happy is vital too. Don’t forget to reward loyalty, offering personalised discounts and exclusive offers to thank your existing customers and keep them coming back for more.


Prioritise SEO

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is ever-evolving and staying on top of the latest trends and best practices is essential. Aim to improve your website’s SEO to increase visibility and drive more organic traffic.

For businesses with a physical presence, local SEO is crucial. Make a point to optimise your online presence for local searches to attract customers in your area.

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Invest in content marketing

High-quality relevant content is key for engaging your audience and enhancing your SEO.

We recommend sharing relevant blogs and case studies, to build brand authority. Plus  creating editorial features and advertorials for recognised industry publications, to boost your brand presence.


Positive customer experience

Create a smooth customer journey, making sure each interaction with your brand is positive, mobile optimisation is key to this. With the increasing use of smartphones, your marketing content must be mobile-friendly. Make sure your website, emails and any digital content are optimised for mobile devices to provide a user-friendly experience.

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If you want to get your marketing off to a great start in 2024, our team is happy to help! Which New Year’s resolutions will you be making today?

For a free virtual marketing ideas session with marketing experts, call us on 01962 600 147 or email

Marketing trends: What’s in store for 2024

Well, this is our last blog for 2023 and what a year it has been!

As the end of the year rapidly approaches, it’s time to look ahead and see what marketing trends will be big in 2024.



Sustainability has been a big focus in 2023 and will continue well into 2024 and beyond.

Environmental concerns are at the top of businesses and consumers agendas, so showcasing your brand’s commitment to eco-friendly practices and social responsibility has never been more important. Promoting your sustainable and ethical processes and services, will be key to driving success.

Free photo front view man with wooden blocks

AI-Powered Personalisation

In 2024, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is expected to be used more to create personalised customer experiences by analysing data and tailoring content and product recommendations to individual preferences.

Chatbots will become even more sophisticated in handling customer queries and guiding them through the buying process, improving the customer experience.


Voice Search and Smart Assistants

Earlier in the year, we did a blog focused on how the emerging voice search trend is a game changer for marketing.

In 2024, optimising for voice search will be essential for SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). Integrating with smart assistants like Alexa and Siri will be crucial as more people rely on voice-activated devices for information and shopping.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

AR and VR technologies will be increasingly used in marketing to provide immersive experiences. From virtual try-ons for fashion to interactive product demos, these technologies will engage customers in new and unique ways.


Video Marketing

Video content will continue to dominate marketing strategies in 2024. Short-form videos on platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels will remain popular. With live streaming and interactive video experiences also expected to grow in popularity.


Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have been gaining popularity in recent years and are expected to make a big impact on marketing in 2024. If you’re not familiar with NFTs, it’s a unique digital asset that can be bought, sold and traded in the same way as physical goods can. Customers can buy their own NFT using cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum on NFT marketplaces like OpenSea.

In 2024, NFTs are expected to be popular in the creative and entertainment industries, particularly for unique digital merchandise and collectibles, as well as exclusive access to content.

Popular rock band, Kings of Leon, have already successfully marketed their music and events, with exclusive experiences available through using digital tokens. Even luxury brand Gucci has released limited-edition virtual sneakers that players can wear in virtual worlds such as Roblox and VR Chat. With the growth of the metaverse, NFTs are expected to entice more customers, and NFT creators, investors and NFT influencers will continue to profit from assets they acquire.

If you are looking to get into NFT marketing you should know your audience well and offer unique and exclusive digital collectibles, to build a sense of urgency and demand among followers.


Social Commerce

One thing is clear, social media platforms are here to stay and will be very important for marketing in 2024.

The integration of e-commerce features will make it easier for users to shop directly through the platforms. This trend will blur the lines between social interaction and shopping.

Free photo hands holding smartphone social media concept

Community Building

Creating nurturing online communities around your products or services will be important in 2024. These communities will provide a sense of belonging and loyalty among customers and set you up for success.


Mobile Optimisation

Another key trend we saw this year, that will continue into 2024, is mobile optimisation. As more and more people use mobile devices for browsing the web, all businesses will need to offer a fast seamless mobile experience to remain competitive.

AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) and mobile optimisation will be essential for making sure users can easily navigate your website, boosting customer satisfaction, engagement and ultimately customer loyalty.


Get 2024 off to a great start with a free virtual marketing ideas session with marketing experts, call us on 01962 600 147 or email