Emerging voice search trend is a game changer for marketing: Are you ready?

It seems hard to imagine a time without smartphones and virtual assistants like Alexa, Google Assistant and Siri, but the recent surge in popularity of voice-enabled devices is starting to have a big impact on marketing.

Now voice searches are becoming a common part of everyday life, adapting your content to fit with the changing way people are searching for information is becoming more and more important to stay relevant. Here’s how …


Use a different tone of voice

In contrast to traditional text based searches, for voice searches people tend to use more natural conversational language, reeling off longer queries and asking complete questions.

Changing your tone of voice to create more conversational content that matches people’s typical voice commands is more likely to get picked up in voice search results. It will also help to engage with your target audience more and build customer loyalty.

Answer frequently asked questions

When voice assistants respond to a voice query, they often provide a single answer.

To get your content to feature in voice search results, it’s best to throw in keywords and provide concise, well-structured answers to frequently asked questions that relate to your industry.


Feature in local searches

Voice search is frequently used for local queries, such as finding nearby restaurants, stores, and services.

To feature in these local searches, businesses should prioritise local SEO (search engine optimisation). This includes optimising location based keywords, keeping your Google My Business listings up to date and getting positive reviews and ratings, to make your business stand out.


Focus on mobile devices

Recent stats show that 71% of consumers prefer to conduct queries by voice instead of typing. A large number of those people are using mobile devices, so it’s important to make sure your website is mobile-friendly.

A seamless mobile experience is essential, so it’s worth spending some time to improve your page’s loading speed, as users have come to expect fast voice search results on their smartphones.

Speak to your target audience 

Gaining a better understanding of your target audience, what they are searching for, so you can create content that directly addresses their needs.

Providing relevant search results can increase your visibility, leading to higher web traffic and a boost in sales.


New paid advertising format

As voice searches increase in popularity, it could change the future of paid advertising. One to watch out for, is voice assistants potentially introducing voice-based ads.

Businesses need to stay on top of this and look to explore advertising that works with voice search platforms, focusing on new ad formats specifically designed for voice-enabled devices.

One thing is clear, adapting to work well with voice searches is a big marketing opportunity that will give your business a competitive edge.


For a free virtual marketing ideas session, call us on 01962 600 147 or email info@tlc-business.co.uk